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As the younger brother of three older sisters, believe me, they had their fun with me. Besides having me dress up and marry our dog “Sandy”, they sent  me on their “feminine hygiene” runs to the store.  I remember heading to the shop, with my list in hand, and with my head bent down, asking the shopkeeper for “5lbs of potatoes, 2lbs of sugar, 1/2lb of butter …… and THIS!” shoving the list in his face, too embarrassed to say the words.  “Ahem, ah yes, son”.

Valentine’s Day brought back another memory of my sisters.  When I was about fifteen, I received 14 anonymous cards in mail! Boy, did I think I was something! I walked around pretty full of myself then I would would see cheeky little smiles coming from who else….. my sisters … what a way to deflate my ego!

They would also send me to do their dirty work, enticing me with a bag of chips if I followed through with their request.  With three beautiful sisters, there were always boys looking to take  them out.  They would make arrangements to meet them at “The Clock Tower” in the centre of town. It was a good meeting point, but if they didn’t want to go through with the date, “muggins” was sent (for a nice bag of crisps). I’d hang around the tower trying to spot the poor bloke who looked like he was waiting for  someone.  Then, I’d walk up to him and ask “You waiting for Norah / Sylvia / Margaret?”….”Well she’s not coming” and then run away. That happened more times than I care to remember…I guess in my sisters’ case it could be called “The Cock Tower”.

One particular boyfriend of Margaret’s, Mick McGowan, was a Lorry (truck) driver.  I was eleven years old and he asked me to go on the road overnight with him…..overnight!     (Wait a minute! .. that doesn’t sound right; he must have got the OK from me Mom).   In this day and age I might have been suspicious but back then everything was so innocent. I clearly remember it was the first time I’d stayed up all night and saw the sun come up for the first time.  Brilliant!  We pulled into a truck stop diner called The Blue Boar and I remember Manfred Mann was playing on the jukebox “5,4,3,2,1” and “Do Wah Diddy Diddy”.  Heaven!

During this time, Beatlemania was happening in England.  One of Margaret’s boyfriends, Peter Webster, had bought the latest Beatles LP .. “With The Beatles” – the album was released as “Meet the Beatles” in North America. With album in hand, Peter brought it to our pub/house to let us hear it. I was so excited …it was a friggin Beatles album!  In our house! Then the unthinkable happened! Peter set the album down on the couch to say his hellos….Dad walked in and sat on the Beatles! … I was shocked!  My mouth was wide open!  I could’t believe it..poor Paul had a crack right down his face!  Peter looked furious. What could Dad say but “Oh shit!”